I am Michele Frew.

Challenges in life impact our ability to learn, our ability to cope and our emotional experiences.  I can help you to “prepare for, recover from or adapt” to the pressures of life, and feel positive about your life.  This also builds resilience.
I experienced several life-changing events as a child, and these sparked my interest in people, psychology and healing. Over the years, I have dealt with many challenging life situations and I have found ways through and forward each time.
I love learning and I am continuously adding to my skill set and working knowledge.  Therefore, I am able to utilise some of the best available tools with my clients after I have experienced and applied these in my own life.
Not only do I enjoy learning from books, courses and through academic studies, I also love learning from people and I have had many teachers over the years, in the form of clients and students and a few wonderful mentors who have helped guide me along the way.


“The process of metamorphosis is scary and sometimes painful, but it is also the way to experience wonderful new adventures we weren’t even able to imagine in our “caterpillar” identities.  Accept the process: care for yourself, dream big, work hard, and keep learning.  Then don’t be surprised when one morning, you wake up to find that you have wings.” – Martha Beck

butterfly on stones

On a professional level:

I have an Honours degree in Psychology and a PGCE (Foundation Phase).  I am also certified as a:
– Heart Math® Coach and Trainer
– Martha Beck Life Coach
– Adult Child Coach
– Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner
– Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) level 2 Practitioner
I also utilise Matrix Re imprinting to help “rewrite your past and transform your future”  and PSYCH-K® to transform beliefs.

I am not a licensed health professional and you will not be able to claim coaching session fees back from your medical aid.  I do adhere to the code of ethics for Martha Beck coaches.